Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia presented today the “Outcome Report of the Office of the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor Government of NCT of Delhi”, a white paper to hold the institution of the LG accountable to the people. In the past, the Delhi government has taken several steps to hold the Government accountable, such as the Outcome Budget and the Timeline Budget. The LG Outcome Report was presented to ensure that this institution remains accountable to the people of Delhi.
The full copy of the report is available here: LG Outcome Report
Watch the full video of Dy CM Sisodia’s speech presenting the report:
The hallmark of a democracy is accountability to the people. Elected representatives and all government officials are custodians of public money, and therefore they must be accountable to those very people. In our democracy, elected representatives are directly accountable to the people through elections. And the bureaucracy is accountable to these elected representatives.
The Government of NCT of Delhi is committed in its accountability to the people of Delhi. Two major steps have been taken towards this end: one, an ‘Outcome Budget’ prepared in the Financial Year 2017-18 and an Outcome Report Card of the same presented to the Delhi Assembly in the Budget session; two, a ‘Timeline Budget’ presented with the Budget for the Financial Year 2018-19 where timelines for all major projects were laid down. Both these steps have been to ensure that all Departments of the government are accountable to the people of Delhi, through their elected representatives.
Every institution within a democracy must be accountable to the people. An important institution within the governance structure of Delhi is the institution of the Lieutenant Governor (LG). Even though the Hon’ble LG is appointed by the Central Government, his decisions have an impact on how public money is spent and how public policies are made. It is therefore important that the institution of the Lieutenant Governor should be accountable to the people of Delhi.
As a step in ensuring the accountability of the institution of the Lieutenant Governor to the citizens of Delhi, the Government of NCT of Delhi is tabling this white paper on the ‘Outcomes of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor’ in the Delhi Assembly, before the elected representatives of this city. As per the current legal position, the Hon’ble LG has two major functions with respect to public money of the people of Delhi: one, all major policy decisions of the elected Government of NCT of Delhi have to be approved by the Hon’ble LG; two, all service matters related to recruitments, promotions and filling of posts of all departments of the Government of NCT of Delhi are within the purview of the Hon’ble LG.