
In a heartfelt message from jail, Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal conveyed his deep distress over the ongoing water crisis in the capital and extended his support to Water Minister Atishi, who is on an indefinite hunger strike demanding Delhi’s rightful share of water. The message was read aloud by his wife, Smt. Sunita Kejriwal, at the protest site, bringing attention to the dire situation faced by Delhi residents. The Chief Minister expressed his sorrow upon seeing the plight of the people on television, especially in the intense summer heat, and pointed out to Haryana for reducing Delhi’s daily water supply. He praised Minister Atishi’s determined effort, describing her hunger strike as a severe penance for the thirsty residents of Delhi, and expressed hope that her sacrifice would soon bring relief to the city.

CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal also joined the indefinite fast of Water Minister Atishi. She said that CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal sent a message from jail for Water Minister Atishi, who is on an indefinite hunger strike to ensure that the people of Delhi get their rightful share of water and the people of Delhi. Smt. Sunita Kejriwal read out the message sent by the Delhi Chief Minister. CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal has said in his message, “This time the whole country is experiencing severe heat. The temperature has gone above 50 degrees Celsius. It is being said that this is the first time in 100 years that this heat has been so intense.”

“This is not in anyone’s hands, it is God’s will. But on such occasions, one person should help another person, and we can mitigate the problem by joining hands. By the way, it has been our culture that people offer free water to thirsty people in the summer. One gets a lot of virtue by offering free water. You all believe this, but Delhi’s neighboring states do not believe this,” Delhi Chief Minister’s message read.

CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal states, “Delhi gets water from its neighboring states, Delhi does not have its own water. The thirst of the people of Delhi is quenched by the water received from the neighboring states. Obviously, in this heat, the thirst is more, so more water is needed. We had hoped that we would get more support from the neighboring states in this difficult time, but even in such a difficult time, the Haryana government has reduced the daily supply of water to Delhi. Delhi is thirsty. Where should the people of Delhi go?”

“No matter which part of the country we live in, we should help each other. It is true that Delhi and Haryana have governments of different parties, but is this the time to do politics? If there is an earthquake in any part of the country, or there is a flood somewhere, then we do not see which party’s government it is, the whole country gets involved in the relief work of the suffering people there, only then we are one country. But the Haryana government does not care about this,” CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s message states.

Sunita Kejriwal enunciates, “Our cabinet colleague Ms. Atishi is sitting on ‘Satyagraha’ to appeal to the Haryana government with all humility. She will sit on a hunger strike for an indefinite period. During this time she will not eat anything, she will only consume water. She will do penance by enduring pain in her body, this is a very tough penance. Ms. Atishi is doing this penance in the interest of the thirsty people of Delhi.”

“When I watch TV in jail how the people of Delhi are suffering due to water shortage, I feel very sad. I hope that Ms. Atishi’s penance will be successful and the people of Delhi will get relief. My best wishes to Atishi, may God protect her,” CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s message concludes.

ED is behaving as if Arvind Kejriwal is India’s most wanted terrorist: Sunita Kejriwal

Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s wife, Smt. Sunita Kejriwal said that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) reached the High Court to get a stay against Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s bail order. “Before this ‘Satyagraha’ (hunger strike), I would like to share with you all that yesterday your Chief Minister got bail from the Rouse Avenue Court, the order was to be uploaded in the morning, the order was not uploaded and ED went to the High Court to get the order stayed. It is as if Shri Arvind Kejriwal is the most wanted terrorist in India. Dictatorship in the country is crossing such limits that ED violates someone’s personal liberty and even immediately goes to the High Court to get a stay against the bail of an elected Chief Minister. The decision of the High Court is yet to come, we hope that the High Court will do justice,” she added

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