
The life of AAP’s National Convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal is in grave danger, with death threats appearing on Delhi Metro stations. Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Shri Sanjay Singh released photos of the threats, scrawled at Patel Nagar and Rajiv Chowk metro stations by an individual named Ankit Goyal. The AAP Rajya Sabha MP accused the BJP behind this sinister conspiracy, citing the language employed by the youth is similar to the BJP, and noted past instances where Shri Arvind Kejriwal was denied insulin in jail for 23 days, only receiving it after a Court’s intervention. Shri Sanjay Singh claimed that the Prime Minister and the BJP are now conspiring to take Kejriwal’s life out of hatred and revenge. AAP has alerted the administration and the Election Commission, declaring that if any harm befalls Shri Arvind Kejriwal, the BJP and PM Modi will be held responsible.

While addressing a press conference at the party headquarters on Monday, AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh stated that the PMO and the BJP are planning a very big attack on Shri Arvind Kejriwal. Ever since Shri Arvind Kejriwal has come out of jail, they have been making repeated efforts to attack him. The Home Minister even raised questions on the decision of the Supreme Court. They are so frustrated that they are willing to cause any kind of harm to Shri Arvind Kejriwal. I would go so far as to say that these people are ready to plan such an attack in which he can even lose his life. You all know that the BJP has tried to attack Shri Arvind Kejriwal many times, this is not the first time.

Revealing the details, the AAP Rajya Sabha MP continued, “Today, things have escalated to such a level that the threats are being made openly at public places, threats of attack are being written on Rajiv Chowk and Patel Nagar metro station. My direct allegation is that this attack is being prepared by the BJP and its entire operation is being done by the Prime Minister of the country. PM Narendra Modi and the BJP have become so blind in their feelings of hatred and revenge that they are ready to cause any kind of harm to Shri Arvind Kejriwal and are even willing to take his life. If you are losing the elections, will you start adopting such tactics? Will you do anything out of frustration?”

“I have already told you in what manners Shri Arvind Kejriwal has been attacked before. I want to make it clear to everyone, the administration and the Election Commission, that whatever attack is being prepared against Shri Arvind Kejriwal, the Prime Minister of the country and the BJP are responsible for it. If anything happens to him, these people will be responsible. Everyone knows that we never say baseless things out of thin air,” he added.

Shri Sanjay Singh further added that for 23 days, they (BJP) did not give him insulin in jail. It was only when we went to the court that he was given insulin and his life was saved, although there were preparations to kill him in the jail itself. They were trying to hatch another big conspiracy in the jail itself, perhaps the Supreme Court also understood this conspiracy and granted bail to Shri Arvind Kejriwal.

Shri Sanjay Singh then showed some pictures of the written threats from metro and metro stations and said, “Now this new thing has come in front which I am showing to you all. These are some pictures from Patel Nagar and Rajiv Chowk metro station, along with these are pictures from the Instagram of a person named Ankit Goyal, who has written all these threats. If you read the language of his threats, it is exactly the same language that the BJP speaks. In the country’s capital, Delhi, threats are being openly written to attack the Chief Minister of Delhi. The three-time elected Chief Minister is being openly threatened to attack and kill, and there is silence everywhere, no one is saying anything?”

“In this matter, we will write a letter to the Election Commission on behalf of all the AAP MPs, MLAs, and ministers and request them for a meeting. We will tell them that if anything happens to Shri Arvind Kejriwal, even if he gets a scratch, then the BJP and PM Narendra Modi will be directly responsible for it. We are already warning you about this,” Shri Sanjay Singh concluded.

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