Aam Aadmi Party leader and Timarpur MLA said that the BJP is bent on snatching away the roof over the heads of 30 percent of Delhi’s population living in slums. This 30 percent population is settled on only 0.50 percent of Delhi’s land, but the BJP is not able to tolerate even this. Therefore, this 30 percent population is forced to live with the fear everyday that the roof over their heads would be taken away.
Addressing media persons, Shri Dilip Pandey said the BJP is against the poor people living in Delhi slums. He said in the last year and half, the central government of the Bharatiya Janata Party is bent upon snatching away the roof from the heads of over 30 percent of the people living in Delhi. “A few days ago, a day-long serious discussion was held in the Delhi Assembly on the subject that perhaps the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is hell-bent on snatching the roof from the people’s heads, would gain some sanity. But it is unfortunate and sad that the Bharatiya Janata Party government at the Centre hates the people living in the slums of Delhi. The Bharatiya Janata Party considers these settlements inside Delhi as dirty, BJP leaders consider these settlements as an ugly spot on the face of Delhi,” he said.

The Timarpur MLA said but the truth is that it is because of these settlements that the city is clean, worth seeing and there is order in the city. He said 30% of the population of Delhi, settled over 0.5% of the total land in Delhi, is living under the shadow of fear. “You see the inequality, the height of social injustice and that too is not being tolerated by the central government of Bharatiya Janata Party. You must have seen how recently, despite the Sunder Nagar Nursery settlement being included in the list of 675 recognized settlements of DUSIB, the Central Government demolished those settlements. This was done after giving false affidavit in the court at the behest of the BJP, said Shri Dilip Pandey.
He said the settlements built on the lands of agencies under the Central Government like Railways, DDA, L&DO and ASI are being demolished one by one at the behest of BJP.
The Timarpur MLA said the bulldozer that moved on the directions of the BJP and tortured these human beings reached Majnu Ka Tila also. “With great difficulty, the Hindu brothers who were persecuted and tortured in Pakistan saved their lives and took shelter on a plot of land near “Majnu Ka Tila” in Delhi lived here for the last for the last 11-12 years. They were living in a slum. But little did they know that despite coming here, atrocities, corruption and inhumanity would not leave them here too, slums are being demolished here too,” he said.
Shri Dilip Pandey cautioned the BJP-led central government not to demolish any slum illegally in Delhi or else face protest by the Aam Aadmi Party. “If you send bulldozers, Aam Aadmi Party workers, leaders, ministers, MLAs will lie down in front of those bulldozers without caring for their lives. Will lie down without worrying about what you will do with them but will not let the poor people lose their roof. With great responsibility, we want to tell the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Central Government, to the Lieutenant Governor sitting on the highest chair of DDA, that you should stop, otherwise to stop you, we will protest on the streets, or go to jail, or if need be, move the court for the rights of the people living in these slums. We will do everything to get them justice. But will not let you work arbitrarily,” he said.