
These are Kejriwal’s guarantees, and I guarantee that by fulfilling all these guarantees, we will change direction and condition of India: Arvind Kejriwal


Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) National Convenor and Delhi CM, Shri Arvind Kejriwal, unveiled a bold vision for India on Sunday, offering ‘Kejriwal ki 10 guarantees’ under the umbrella of the INDIA Alliance.

Promising round-the-clock free electricity for the poor, establishment of world-class schools, hospitals, and Mohalla Clinics in every village, and a robust education and healthcare system for all, the AAP Supremo outlined transformative measures to uplift the nation.

Vowing to reclaim land from China, eradicate corruption, and discontinue scam like the ‘Agniveer’ Yojana, he emphasized job creation, farmer welfare, and tax reform.

Additionally, Shri Arvind Kejriwal pledged full statehood status for Delhi, asserting that these guarantees embody the blueprint for a new India, transcending societal divisions to benefit all segments, while contrasting them with unfulfilled promises of the incumbent government.

Addressing the press conference, AAP National Convenor and Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal said that our 10 guarantees are a vision of a new India. There are many such works in these which should have been done in the last 75 years, but they could not be done due to some reason. There are many such works in these, without which no nation can become powerful. These are fundamental works for any nation, which work to lay its foundation. Without this, no nation can move forward. This work will be completed on a war footing in the next 5 years. There are also such guarantees in it which will provide relief to the people of the country by getting rid of inflation and unemployment. However, these days there is also a discussion about ‘Modi’s guarantee’ in the country. Therefore, now the people of the country have to decide whether they want to believe in Modi’s guarantee or Kejriwal’s.

Modi Ji did not fulfill even one of his guarantees: Arvind Kejriwal

  1. Modi Ji had guaranteed that he would deposit ₹15 lakhs in every person’s account, but he did not do it.
  2. Modi Ji had guaranteed that 2 crore jobs will be created every year, but he did not do that either.
  3. He had guaranteed that he will implement the Swaminathan Commission report and farmers will be given the price of crops accordingly. After becoming the Prime Minister, Modi Ji rejected his guarantee saying that I will not do this.
  4. Modi Ji had guaranteed that by 2022, farmers’ income will be doubled, but he did not do it.
  5. Modi Ji had guaranteed that by 2022, 24-hour electricity will be arranged in every house in the country, but even today, leave aside every corner of the country, many cities of the country are facing electricity shortage and there are long power cuts.
  6. Modi ji had guaranteed that a bullet train will be started between Sabarmati and Mumbai by 2022. But till now there is no sign of the bullet train.
  7. Modi ji had guaranteed that 100 smart cities will be built. Now perhaps this project has ended. No smart city is being built.

The AAP Supremo stated that Modi Ji had given many guarantees, but none of the guarantees were fulfilled. On the other hand, whenever elections came, Kejriwal had given a guarantee of free electricity in Delhi and Punjab and we made electricity free. “We had said that we would provide electricity 24 hours, we made electricity 24 hours. We had guaranteed that we would build great schools, we built great schools for the education of children. We had guaranteed that we would build Mohalla Clinics, so we built them. Whatever guarantees we had given, we fulfilled all the guarantees,” CM Arvind Kejriwal added.

He further added that on one side there is Modi’s guarantee and on the other side there is Kejriwal’s guarantee. We have seen the result of Modi Ji’s guarantee that his guarantee is not trustworthy and now Modi Ji will retire next year, so who will fulfill his guarantee after retirement? There is no answer to this either. Whereas Kejriwal is here, he is not going anywhere. So Kejriwal takes the guarantee of fulfilling ‘Kejriwal’s guarantee’.

‘Kejriwal ki 10 guarantees’

  1. 24 hours and free electricity

Shri Arvind Kejriwal mentioned that our first guarantee is that we will arrange for 24 hours electricity in the country. Our country has the capacity to generate 3 lakh megawatts of electricity. During summers, the peak demand for electricity in the country is 2 lakh megawatts. Today, the electricity generation capacity of our country is much more than our peak demand. Even after this, we are facing power cuts in our homes. This is happening because the management is bad. Earlier, the situation was the same in Delhi and Punjab as well. There was electricity, but the management was bad.

He added, “We arranged for 24 hours electricity in Delhi and Punjab by improving the management. We can do this in the country as well, because we have experience of this. Electricity will be given free to the poor people of the country. We have done this in Delhi and Punjab. We can do this in the entire country. This will cost ₹1.15 lakh crore. I do not give guarantees in the air. ‘Kejriwal Ki Guarantee’ is a brand in the market. If we say something, we fulfill it. We will arrange ₹1.15 lakh crore. Under this, the poor of the whole country can get free electricity up to 200 units.”

  1. Guarantee of education

The AAP National Convenor expressed that no country can progress until good education is arranged for all children. If a lot of people in a country are illiterate or most of the children get low level education, then that country can never progress. Today the condition of government schools in our country is bad. 18 crore children study in 10 lakh government schools across the country, who have no future. We have made the schools in Delhi and Punjab excellent. Now we will make all the government schools of the country excellent. We will make them even better than private schools, where excellent and free education will be arranged for every child born in this country. If you are rich and want to send your child to a private school, then send him. But if you send your child to a government school, then in any case the quality of his education will not be less than that of a private school.

“We will arrange such excellent education in every village in every corner of the country. We did this in Delhi and Punjab. We know how to do it and we have the intention to work. This work should have been done at the time of independence, but it did not happen. Better late than never. If this has been done even after 75 years of independence, it is a very good thing. It will cost ₹5 lakh crores to do this work. In which the central government will give ₹2.5 lakh crores and the state government will give ₹2.5 lakh crores. This will cost the central government ₹50,000 crores every year. ₹50,000 crores is nothing for the government. If every child in my country can study with this much money annually and 18 crore children can get a good education, then what can be better than this,” the AAP Chief affirmed.

This work should have been done at the time of independence, but it did not happen. It is a good thing that it is being done after 75 years of independence. To do this work, merely Rs 5 lakh crore will be spent, Rs 2.5 lakh crore will be funded by the Central Government, Rs 2.5 lakh crore will be given by the State Government. Every year, the Central government will only have to spend Rs 50 thousand crore and 50 thousand crore is not much. If every child of my country, 18 crore children, get education at an annual expenditure of Rs 50 thousand crore, then what could be better than this?

  1. Guarantee of Healthcare

Shri Arvind Kejriwal shared, “The third guarantee is of excellent healthcare. If the people of my country are healthy and not sick, then the country will progress. If there will be educated people, healthy people, only then these 140-crore people will be able to take the country forward, the Prime Minister alone can take the country forward, it is the people who take the country forward. So, we will arrange good treatment for everyone.”

He continued, “Today, if someone in the family gets seriously ill with a chronic condition, the condition of government hospitals is extremely poor and the private hospitals are looting the people. Mohalla Clinics will be opened in every village and every neighborhood across the country. District hospitals will be turned into World class multispecialty hospitals that will be at par with the top private hospitals. Every person born in this country will have free treatment. Nothing will happen on the basis of insurance; insurance is a big scam. All the insurance-based schemes made by any government are big scams.”

The Chief Minister of Delhi further added that we will create good infrastructure in every corner, we will create health infrastructure, we will build hospitals, we will build Mohalla Clinics, so that people can go there and get their treatment. Treatment will be free for everyone, whether rich or poor. For this too, we will only need ₹5 lakh crores, ₹2.5 lakh crores will be given by the state government and ₹2.5 lakh crores by the central government. There will be an expenditure of ₹5 lakh crore within 5 years, only ₹50,000 crores will be spent every year by each government.

  1. Nation First

The AAP Supremo stated, “Our fourth guarantee is ‘Nation first’. China has occupied our land but our central government keeps denying it but everybody knows it, the whole world is aware, this is the age of satellites. Everyone has seen the satellite images, they have seen how China has trespassed our lands, invaded it, and captured it. Denying and hiding the situation from the citizens would not solve it. There is a lot of strength in our army, give them the chance to work freely, allow them once and see how they’ll bring back what’s ours. All the regions which have been occupied by China will be freed. For this, various efforts will be made at the diplomatic level on one side and the Army will be given absolute freedom to take whatever steps it deems necessary regarding this. The army would no longer be restricted.

  1. Discontinuation of ‘Agniveer Scheme’

Shri Arvind Kejriwal further said that today, schemes like ‘Agniveer’ prove to be harmful for the army and the youth are also troubled by it. They are recruited in the army and then fired after 4 years. There is no ownership and this is only making the army weaker, on a ‘cutting edge level’. This scheme is harmful to both the army and the youth who are getting recruited as ‘Agniveer’. Our fifth guarantee is that the ‘Agniveer Scheme’ will be withdrawn and all the youths who have already been recruited will be made permanent. They will be given permanent jobs. This contract work in the army will be stopped, temporary jobs will be removed and permanent jobs will be given back. This Agniveer scheme was brought because the central government believed that most of its money was spent on the army, on its salary and pension. Whatever amount of money is needed to be spent on security and security of this country, that much money will be spent. National security cannot be jeopardized at any cost.

  1. MSP for Farmers

Sixth guarantee is for the farmers. He stated, “You can give a life of honor to the farmers if you are paying them full prices for their crops. The farmer is not begging, he is demanding his rights. A farmer is one who works hard in the scorching heat and heavy rain to grow his crops. And after doing all this, when he does not get the right price for his crops, he is unable to repay his loan and is forced to commit suicide. If you ensure the correct prices of his crops, then the farmer does not need any favors from you. We guarantee that the farmers will be provided MSP (Minimum Support Price) as per the Swaminathan Commission Report on all of their crops.”

  1. Statehood to Delhi

Our seventh guarantee is that Delhi will be given the status of a state, which has been the right of the people of Delhi for many decades.

  1. Employment

Our eighth guarantee is employment. Today, the youth of the entire nation is suffering from unemployment. In order to tackle this issue, our ministers and the entire team have done detailed planning. We plan to generate 2 crore new jobs annually to pull out our youth from the clutches of unemployment. This employment will be productive as well as effective.

  1. End of Corruption

Our ninth guarantee is to end corruption. BJP’s washing machine will be completely demolished. The BJP’s washing machine is the biggest cause and the biggest source of corruption in this country. The present system of sending honest people to jail and giving protection to corrupt people, will be abolished. The way we had ended corruption in Delhi and Punjab, both at small or big levels, the entire country will be freed from corruption in the same effective manner.

  1. Simplification of GST

The AAP Supremo stated that the tenth and the last guarantee is for the businesspersons. If the businesspersons and the industrialists cannot run or expand their business properly in a country, then the country can never flourish the way it should and jobs can never be created within that country. The data shows that in the last 8-10 years, more than 12 lakh high-net-worth individuals, wealthy people of this country have shut their businesses and industries and have moved to foreign countries. All this happened only because the central government has created terror in this country, they were threatening these people.

“So, our tenth guarantee is that GST will be removed from the PMLA regulations, it will be simplified. All the administrative and legal arrangements will be simplified. There will be such a system that if someone wants to do business in this country in the right way, then they can easily run their businesses and open up industries. There will be no need for a lot of permissions and they would be able to smoothly run their businesses and industries at a large scale. Our target is to surpass China in terms of manufacturing capacity, who is leading the world in this field. We are competing with China. All the industrialists and businesspersons will be given a fair chance to move forward on the path of growth. These are the 10 guarantees and solid promises and I believe that these guarantees will significantly contribute to the development of the country,” he concluded.

While giving ‘Kejriwal ki 10 guarantees’ to the country in a press conference at the party headquarters on Sunday, AAP’s National Convenor Shri Arvind Kejriwal said that today we are announcing ‘Kejriwal ki 10 guarantees’ for this Lok Sabha election. “We accept that the elections have already begun and it is very late in issuing the guarantees. This delay has happened because of my arrest. However, four phases of the election are still left. Although these guarantees are being issued in the name of Kejriwal’s guarantee. I have not yet discussed this with my other colleagues of the INDIA Alliance. But I believe that no member of the INDIA Alliance will have any problem with any of my guarantees. This is ‘Kejriwal ki guarantee’. Therefore, I guarantee that after the formation of the INDIA Alliance government, I will get all the guarantees fulfilled by all my colleagues,” the AAP Supremo affirmed.

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