
Safety Features in Buses
As of 7 Mar 2021, 96% of all operational buses (both DTC and Cluster) have CCTV, Panic Button, Vehicle tracking system installed.

Enforcement Vans
In Nov 2020, 20 new Enforcement Vans were deployed to the DTC Enforcement team in 20 crucial locations in Delhi. These are the first responders in case of an emergency.

Bus Marshals
In Oct 2019, Delhi CM announced that 13,000 bus marshals would be deployed in Delhi buses.

Street Lighting
As part of the government’s larger plan to address concerns regarding the safety of women in the Capital, the Mukhyamantri Street Light Yojna was launched in September 2019 to install 2.1 lakh street lights to eradicate dark and dimly lit spots.
By Sep 2021, 1,17,314 street lights had been installed.

Old Age Home
- The AAP Government of NCT of Delhi has established two Old Age Homes – one, at Bindapur, Pocket –IV, Dwarka, and another at Lampur.

Night Shelters
As of 20th Dec 2021, 206 permanent shelters and 190 temporary shelters are being run by Delhi govt serving nearly 12,000 homeless everyday, including free meals.
Out of the 206 permanent shelter homes, 81 are operational in RCC buildings and 111 in porta cabins throughout the year.


Free Bus Travel for Women
As a consequence of the free bus travel scheme for women which was announced in Aug 2019, the daily ridership of female commuters jumped from 33% to around 44% by November 2019.

Women and Child Health
- Under the “Ladli Scheme”, the AAP Delhi govt received 33,241 applications for fresh enrolment (Birth level and School level) in FY 2020-2021 till Dec 2020. About 3,340 were enrolled till Dec 2020. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).
- About 13 lakh children and pregnant/nursing mothers are availing services of nutrition, vaccination, health services and pre-school activities at 10,755 anganwadi centres. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).
- The AAP Delhi Govt’s Economic Survey, published on 23 Mar 2020 also pegs Delhi’s infant mortality, neonatal mortality rates below national level:
- Infant Mortality:
- Delhi – 16
- National – 33
- Neonatal Mortality:
- Delhi – 14
- National – 23
- Under-five Mortality:
- Delhi – 21
- National – 37
- Infant Mortality:
- There has been a positive change in Delhi’s sex ratio due to Kejriwal Govt’s efforts in raising public awareness.
- As of 29th Oct 2021, the sex ratio (number of females for every 1000 males) figures are as follows:
- 2005: 822
- 2008 – 1004
- 2012: 886
- 2019: 920
- 2020: 933
- As of 29th Oct 2021, Infant mortality rate had dipped due to improvement in health infrastructure and better access to health facilities to people in Delhi. (The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.)
- 2019: 24.19
- 2020: 20.37
- As of 29th Oct 2021, Delhi’s birth rate had fallen from 18.35 per thousand in 2019 to 14.85 per thousand in 2020.
In 2020, 3,01,645 births were registered, compared to 3,65,868 in 2019. (Birth rate is number of children born per thousand persons in a year.)
- As of 29th Oct 2021, there has been a marginal decline in maternal mortality from 0.55 per 1,000

Registration of Construction workers under Welfare Board
The number of construction workers registered has increased from 1 lakh in December 2020 to 3 lakhs in July 2021.

Financial Assistance To Those In Need

Financial Assistance To The Elderly
About 4.49 lakh Senior Citizens were given monthly financial assistance in the FY 2020-2021. 4.64 lakh senior citizens were given this assistance in the previous year. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).

Financial Assistance To Persons With Special Needs
1.06 lakh people with special needs were given assistance in the FY 2020-2021. In the previous year, 95,324 people were given this assistance. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).

Financial Assistance To The Families Of Deceased Breadwinners
The one-time financial assistance was given to 11,145 families in FY 2020-2021.
10,729 families were given this assistance in the previous year. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).

Financial Assistance To Women in Distress
About 2.75 lakh women in distress were given monthly financial assistance in 2020-2021. The number was 2.66 lakh in 2019-2020. (Source: Status Report of Outcome Budget 2020-2021).

Financial Assistance to Construction Workers
As of 27th Nov 2021, the Delhi govt has given Rs 5,000 each to 2.9 lakh construction workers whose livelihoods were hit by the ban on construction activities announced due to the deteriorating air quality in Delhi. This will be given to all 7 lakh construction workers of Delhi.

Financial Assistance to Farmers
On 21st Oct 2021, Arvind Kejriwal announced Rs 50,000 per hectare compensation to farmers for crop loss due to rain and promised to deposit the amount to their accounts within 3 months.

Uniformed personnel who die in the line of duty
On 19th June 2021, Delhi’s AAP govt announced ₹1 crore ex-gratia to families of 6 slain personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty.
- ACP Sanket Kaushik (DP)
- NC(E) Rajesh Kumar (IAF)
- Flt Lt. Sunit Mohanty (IAF)
- Sqn Ldr Meet Kumar (IAF)
- Shri Vikas Kumar (DP)
- Shri Pravesh Kumar (CD)
On 8th Oct 2021, the Delhi Govt. handed over cheques of ₹1 crore to the families of 3 security forces personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty:
- NC(E) Rajesh Kumar
- Shri Pravesh Kumar
- Shri Vikas Kumar

Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojana
As of 10th Dec 2021, over 36,000 people have already been on pilgrimage through this scheme.

Rehabilitation of Orphaned/Distressed Children
- 331 child labourers rescued in 2020-21 compared to 202 in last 3 years: DCPCR.
- As of 22nd Aug 2021 – Grievance redressal by DCPCR has disposed of nearly 5000 cases from April 2020 to Jun 2021 – this is higher than the total cases disposed of in the preceding 10 years!
- 22nd Aug 2021 – Since the launch of the DCPCR Helpline in April 2021, ~85% complaints were resolved in 1 day & 100% in 3 days.
- 10th Nov 2021 – In just 7 months, DCPCR Helpline handled 1.5 lakh distress calls to help children who lost parent(s), child labour reports, non-receipt of ration entitlements, inaccessible care for pregnant women & newborn during lockdown, children’s routine immunisation, & EWS/DG admission. Source: Tweet by Anurag Kundu, Chairperson, DCPCR

Public Distribution System (Rations)
The AAP Delhi Govt implemented the ONORC scheme in July 2021.
As of 4th October 2021, over 1.43lakh ration card holders of other states collected foodgrains in Delhi in 3 months (between July and Sep 2021) under the “One Nation, One Ration Card (ONORC)” scheme. Delhi is among the top performing states in this category, according to Food and Civil Supplies Minister Imran Hussain.