
In a bold move, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Members of Parliament (MPs) have begun vocally addressing the misuse of central investigative agencies and the illegal arrest of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. On Thursday, Senior AAP Leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh took a stand by giving a notice of special mention in the Rajya Sabha. The AAP MP informed the Chairman that, for the first time in India’s history, an elected Chief Minister has been arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) after securing bail. He urged the Chairman to halt such actions to preserve the nation’s democratic and federal integrity. This follows previous protests by AAP MPs in the Parliament premises against the misuse of investigative agencies.

Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said that a special mention notice was given in the Rajya Sabha on the very serious issue of illegally arresting Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by misusing ED-CBI. MP Sanjay Singh has written in his notice that this is happening for the first time in the country that an elected Chief Minister is arrested by another central investigation agency CBI after getting bail from the court.

The AAP Rajya Sabha MP further mentioned Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren in his notice. He wrote that earlier such illegal action was taken against Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren. Now such illegal and unconstitutional action is being taken against CM Arvind Kejriwal. Such action is the height of misuse of central agencies. Through his notice, AAP MP Sanjay Singh requested the Chairman to immediately stop such action so that India’s democratic federal system remains healthy and smooth. The fake arrest of a Chief Minister is an example of emergency. An immediate stop to this is necessary.

MP Sanjay Singh, while protesting in the Parliament premises, said that the Prime Minister should stop the misuse of investigative agencies. In every state, ED-CBI is being used to harass opposition leaders and parties. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, former Jharkhand Hemant Soren, former Delhi Education Minister Manish Sisodia and former Health Minister Satyendar Jain were put in jail. We opposed this in Parliament.

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