As part of a strategic initiative aimed at augmenting transparency and facilitating access to government initiatives, the Kejriwal Government has issued directives through Delhi’s Labour Minister, Shri Raaj Kumar Anand. The instructions involve the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (DBOCWWB) organizing registration camps and awareness campaigns throughout the city.

These camps, held at major construction sites of each district on a weekly basis, aim to facilitate the registration and renewal of construction workers. Each camp is staffed with two officials equipped with laptops to assist eligible workers. Daily reports are mandated to ensure effective oversight.

Labour Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand has specifically called for a camp at Dev Nagar Labour Chowk tomorrow, emphasizing a time window from 8 to 10 AM for optimal worker participation. This initiative seeks to ensure that a maximum number of construction workers benefit from timely registration and renewals.
Furthermore, on the directions of the Labour Minister registration facilitation counters on major labour chowks of each district are operational. Staffed with two personnels, these counters will provide ongoing assistance to workers in need.
District incharges are actively identifying key construction sites and labour chowks in their respective areas for the effective implementation of these camps. Notably, these initiatives have been in operation since January 15, 2024.
During this, Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand shared, “The primary objective of these camps is to make the Kejriwal Government’s schemes and initiatives more crystal clear ensuring that the benefits reach the maximum number of eligible workers.”
Labour Minister Anand emphasized the need to ensure that every worker has access to the diverse benefits provided by the Welfare Board, emphasizing the importance of leaving no one behind.