
The Aam Aadmi Party stood firm in its defence of senior party leader Shri Manish Sisodia on Saturday, as it denounced the CBI’s FIR in the alleged ‘Feedback Unit’ case against him. AAP Senior Leader and Rajya Sabha MP Shri Raghav Chadha said that the case is “nothing but a figment of imagination, devoid of any factual basis,” asserting that it has resulted out of BJP’s witchhunt against the AAP. He explained that the FIR showcases the BJP’s desperation to lodge any number of fake cases against Shri Manish Sisodia to prevent his release. “Can the Dy CM of a half-state even theoretically spy on the PM of India? Is this the level of national security BJP’s government maintains in the country?,” he asked. The MP alleged that this whole case is an insult to the sanctity of IB and R&AW, saying, “does the BJP really think that our intelligence agencies would have let someone spy on the PM for eight years?”

In a press conference on Saturday, Shri Raghav Chadha questioned the BJP government’s ability to protect the country’s national security. “If the Deputy Chief Minister of half a state — which controls neither the police nor the anti-corruption bureau, nor the vigilance department, nor any security agency, — as alleged, had been spying on the country’s most powerful individual, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior leaders of the ruling party for eight years, it raises a big question mark on the capability of India’s intelligence agencies and the central government,” he said.

He further asked if the BJP really thought that intelligence agencies would have let someone spy on the PM for eight years. He said that if an alleged “branch” in the national capital was able to spy on PM Narendra Modi for 8 years, it reflects very poorly on the BJP’s claims of keeping the country secure. He challenged the BJP to first suspend the top officers of the NIA, IB, RAW, get them arrested, and file CBI cases against them for risking the country’s security by failing to detect such an espionage operation allegedly running in the national capital for 8 years.

He added, “I have some advice for BJP members: When you make false allegations, make them in a way that is at least convincing to the people.” He said that the absurdity of these allegations exposes the flimsy but devious tactics of the BJP to malign the reputation of an honest and dedicated public servant. Accusing the BJP of using “completely false and fabricated” cases to keep Shri Manish Sisodia in jail, Shri Raghav Chadha had also presented irrefutable evidence on Friday that the CBI and ED have no merit, evidence, witness, or basis for the allegations against Manish Sisodia in the alleged excise policy case. He said, “They do not even have any sensible questions, let alone a believable case. The same four questions are asked daily without any substantial case, recovery, or criminal proceedings.” He said that the BJP’s motive is to unjustly imprison Manish Sisodia and keep him incarcerated under the guise of the PM’s safety, preventing him from obtaining his release.

The Rajya Sabha MP further criticised the BJP for diverting the attention of its investigative agencies from those who were misusing India’s agencies, India’s security department, and police. He cited the case of Kiran Bhai Patel, an ordinary worker of the BJP from Gujarat, who had been living in Kashmir for the last six months on taxpayers’ money by impersonating the Additional Director of the PMO. Despite being an outsider, Patel was given Z plus security, two jammers, four bulletproof vehicles, and a 50-member gunmen entourage. He had even been holding meetings with the security department and influencing the transfers of IAS and IPS officers. Shri Raghav added, “The only qualification he had for this role was being a BJP worker from Gujarat. The BJP is conveniently turning a blind eye to this breach of national security because of his affiliation with the party. This infiltration has compromised the safety of our police and security forces in Jammu and Kashmir, and demands a thorough investigation.”

The Rajya Sabha MP said that China and Pakistan keep making their nefarious efforts to capture the land of India, but investigative agencies caught Shri Manish Sisodia instead and put him in jail. In conclusion, Shri Raghav Chadha urged the BJP to stop making absurd allegations and filing false cases against Shri Manish Sisodia. He warned that the BJP’s actions were putting a big question mark on India’s national security, and the BJP should focus its attention on those misusing India’s agencies and security departments.

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