
Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and MCD in-charge Shri Durgesh Pathak on Sunday said that for the upcoming MCD by-elections, AAP has launched a door-to-door campaign from today. He said that we are seeking the support of people to make MCD free from BJP and corruption; people want Kejriwal model of development in MCD. He said that AAP will fight this election on the issues of BJP’s corruption & garbage problem; citizens of Delhi are supporting us wholeheartedly. He said that the BJP has miserably failed to run the MCDs; citizens of Delhi know that only Arvind Kejriwal can bring development in MCD and make every citizen proud about Delhi.

The Aam Aadmi Party has started the preparations and the campaign for the upcoming MCD by-elections in the full swing. The Aam Aadmi Party has also launched a door-to-door campaign to reach out to the citizens of Delhi during this election campaign and apprise them about the corruption of the BJP ruled MCD. During this door to door campaign, the Aam Aadmi Party leaders will apprise the citizens of Delhi regarding how the BJP has looted the capital for the last 15 years and the leaders will request the citizens to vote for the Aam Aadmi Party.

Shri Pathak said, “The election commission of India has decided the by-elections of these five MCD seats and the Aam Aadmi Party welcomes this decision. To intensify the campaign the AAP has started door to door campaign from today. Here we aim to reach out to the maximum number of people and apprise them about the real picture of the BJP ruled MCD. The Aam Aadmi Party will fight this election based on two issues. One issue is regarding the corruption of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the MCD for the last 15 years and the second issue is the garbage problem of Delhi. In the last 15 years, the BJP has transformed the MCD to a den of corruption and made it completely bankrupt. Due to the rampant corruption of the BJP today the MCD has no money to pay the salaries of their own employees. The citizens of Delhi are fed up with the corruption of the BJP and they have made up their mind to give a strong response to the BJP. The citizens of Delhi have decided to throw them out of the MCD and elect the Aam Aadmi Party. Looking at the Kejriwal government and Kejriwal model of development the citizens of Delhi are confident that today Aam Aadmi Party is the only political party which will be able to provide justice to the people. In this meeting, we have discussed all the responsibilities of different office bearers. We have also assigned different office bearers with different responsibilities. The Aam Aadmi Party will go door to door in these MCD wards and tell people about the corruption of the BJP.”

He said, “From seventh January the Aam Aadmi Party also started Mohalla Sabhas across Delhi to expose the corruption of the BJP. And during these Mohalla meetings, the citizens of Delhi have spontaneously discussed how the BJP ruled MCD harass them every day. In our internal analysis, we have found that 90% of the participants believe that the BJP has miserably failed in the MCD. Keeping in mind the experience of the Mohalla Sabha we have launched a door-to-door campaign. During this campaign, we have distributed pamphlets and talk to the people. During our conversations, we have noticed that most of the citizens want the Aam Aadmi Party to rule the MCD.”

The AAP noted, “Next month by-election will take place and it is the time to expose the corruption of the BJP ruled MCD in front of the people. The Bharatiya Janata party has looted the citizens of Delhi for the last 15 years and today the MCD has become completely bankrupt. The situation is so bad that they do not have money to pay the salaries of their own employees. The Aam Aadmi Party wants to assure the citizens of Delhi that when we come to the power of MCD we will develop another model of governance inside the municipal Corporation of Delhi. We want every Delhiite to feel proud of their city. In the last 15 years, the BJP has failed miserably to run the MCD.”

The by-election will be held on 28th February. The Aam Aadmi Party has welcomed the decision of the election commission and the party has started campaigning for the election in the full swing. Today the Aam Aadmi Party has launched the door to door campaign and during this campaign the Aam Aadmi Party leaders, councillors, volunteers will reach out to the citizens of Delhi and expose the corruption of the BJP. The citizens of Delhi have made up their mind to throw BJP out of the MCD and elect the Aam Aadmi Party to rule the MCD. During this door to door campaign, the AAP leaders are discussing the issues of the corruption by the BJP ruled MCD. The citizens of Delhi are well aware of BJP’s corruption.

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