Other than conventional methods for monitoring pollution, the AAP Delhi Government also uses app-based public outreach tools to monitor pollution.

Monitoring Real-Time Pollution Level
Manual and Real-time monitors
Locations of manual and real time monitors in Delhi and NCR have increased from 2015 to 2020 as shown below. A comparison with neighbouring states is also shown.

Growth of CAAQM station network in NCR

Study of real-time apportionment of pollutants
Delhi Government signed an MoU with IIT Kanpur on 23 Oct 2021 to study real-time apportionment of pollutants for 23 months, for which Rs 12.727 crore will be allocated. This is considered to be a first-time endeavour for studying the sources of pollution in real time, and issuing forecasts for air pollution management.
“The Kejriwal government is the first state government in the entire country to implement such an advanced technology based solution.” – Gopal Rai, Delhi Environment Minister
On 23 Mar 2020, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a review meeting with IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), where it was stated that the apportionment data would be available by Aug 1, 2022. A supersite would be set up by July end on Pandara Road in Central Delhi.
The project will study the impact of pollution sources like emission from vehicles and industries, dust, biomass and stubble burning.

Green Delhi App and Advanced Green War Room
The AAP Delhi Government launched the Android version of the Green Delhi App on 29th Oct 2020 for reporting any polluting activity. As per Status Report of Outcome Budget 2021, 93 % of complaints were resolved within the prescribed time period out of the 14,980 complaints raised till December 2021 under the Green Delhi App for violation of anti-pollution norms.
The Advanced Green War Room and the IOS version of the Green Delhi App were launched on 5 Oct 2021. The Green War Room consists of 21 members.
While 13 pollution hotspots were identified in Delhi last year, this year 150 pollution hotspots have been identified.
Citizens can report sources of pollution through the Green App by uploading videos and images; the Green War Room will take action. A total of 27 departments and agencies, from the Union government, the Government of Delhi, and the Municipal Corporations come under the umbrella of the App and war room.
“The app serves as a central point of coordination through which residents of Delhi, when encountered with pollution, can convey the complaint to this war room enabling the Government to take further action.” – Gopal Rai, Delhi Environment Minister