
In 2015, when AAP came to power, this was the situation on Environment in Delhi:

  • In the winter of 2015, Delhi had become a gas chamber with dangerously high PM 2.5 levels.
  • The city was on the verge of an environmental crisis.
  • Government agencies were refusing to take responsibility for the problem and were passing the blame around.

Now, in 2021, after AAP:

  • A 25% reduction in the 3-year average of PM2.5 levels (between 2012-2014 and 2016-2018)
  • A 25% reduction in overall particulate pollution
  • Pollution peaks getting lower
  • Number of severely polluted days a year has reduced from 20-40 to less than 15
  • More low-pollution days during summer and monsoon months
Before 2015Now% changeData SourceGraph
Air quality – PM 2.5 levels3-yr average of 2012 to 2014:1543-yr average of 2016 to 2018:11525% improvementDDC Performance Report (2015-2021) (Page 124)Air quality – PM 2.5 levels
# of air quality monitoring stations2015:62019:26more than 4-fold increaseDDC Performance Report (2015-2019) (Page 99)No. of air quality monitoring stations
Growth of Delhi’s green cover (area in sq km)2015: 299
2021: 34214% increaseDDC Performance Report (2015-2021) (Page 133)Growth of Delhi’s green cover
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