
New Delhi: 19/12/2018


·        DERC issues revised Supply Code 2017 with the third amendment on Delhi Government directions
·        Compensation to electricity consumers for unscheduled power cuts, extended scheduled outages and other defaults
·        New order to give big relief to power consumers of Delhi

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has issued the revised Supply Code 2017 with the third amendment on the directions of the Delhi Government.
The DERC, on 18th December 2018, has issued the Third Amendment in Supply Code 2017 notifying the Compensation Policy for the Electricity Consumers of Delhi in-line with the directions issued by Government of NCT of Delhi under Section 108 of the Electricity Act 2003.
As per the new Regulations, the Discoms are liable to compensate their Consumers for power supply failures as well as other defaults in performance.
In case of un-scheduled power cuts lasting more than one hour consumer will be paid compensation of Rs. 50/- per hour for first two hours and Rs.100/- per hour thereafter. If interruption reoccurs, the compensation will be paid from the initial default.
In case of un-scheduled power cuts, the compensation shall be payable automatically by the Discom to all the affected consumers, without requiring a claim to be filed by the consumer. After restoration of power supply, a confirmation message shall be sent by Discom to the consumer with restoration date and time.
The Discom shall submit a report of all such credited compensations to DERC on weekly basis.
In case the Discom determines that no compensation is payable to affected consumer, he or she can approach the Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF) and if not satisfied from CGRF, to the Electricity Ombudsman.
The code also says that if the compensation claim of Consumer for unscheduled power cut is upheld by the CGRF or Ombudsman, the amount of compensation in such cases shall be Rs. 5000/- or five times of the compensation payable originally, whichever is higher.
In case of scheduled outages the compensation shall be payable after 12 hours or in case outage extends beyond 6 pm whichever is earlier.
For the Burnt Meter or Stolen Meter Cases, the supply is to be restored within 3 hours of Complaint,  thereafter compensation will be payable on the above rates on hourly basis. Replacement of Meter is to be done within three days, and if not, then the consumer will get compensation of Rs. 50/- per day thereafter.
For other performance related issues not related to unscheduled power cuts, the affected person can lodge claim with the concerned Discom within 60 (sixty) days from the date such a person is affected.
The Discom shall pay compensation to all the affected consumers within 90 days from the last date of previous billing cycle in case of power supply failure and from the date of filing of claim in case of other defaults in performance. A confirmation message to the consumer shall also be sent.
The new code will bring big relief to the power consumers of Delhi. The Delhi Government has been continuously trying to get the rules to come in effect. The power department and the Minister have been pursuing this with the DERC for long. This is first of its kind initiative in the country where the consumers will get compensated for power outages and other defaults.

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