
Two Liquor shops voted for closure in Rohini Sector 16 & 17

In a landmark decision, the Delhi Government has decided that the residents will take call on the existence of Liquor shops in their area if they create nuisance, especially in residential areas. The residents of a particular area can now vote out a liquor shop from their area if they face harassment because of the existence of the liquor shop in their area.

Liquor shops, including those running legally, will face the public scrutiny if there are any problems to the residents of the area. The residents will now be free to approach their respective MLAs and district administration with their complaints against such liquor vends. Thereafter the MLA in coordination with the administration will call a meeting of the residents/RWAs and deicide on the future of the liquor shop through a voting and hearing. Once the voting process and hearing is done, the local police and department of excise will submit a report for the closure of the particular shop.

In first of such cases, two liquor shops were voted for closure on October 16, 2017 in Rohini. The shops were located in Sector 16 and Sector 17 of Rohini.

Earlier, the residents of Sector 16 and Sector 17 had approached their MLA Mr. Mahendar Goyal with a complaint against these two liquor shops and had said that they have become nuisance for the local residents.

Thereafter, the MLA, in coordination with the local administration and other stakeholders called for a meeting of the residents & RWAs at the SDM Office on October 16, 2017. Huge number of residents participated and hearing was done. The local residents voted out the two liquor joints and majority recommended the closure of the shops.

Now, the local SHO and Excise department will submit a report to the SDM for the closure of the two Liquor joints.


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