
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) orchestrated a compelling display of grassroots activism on Monday, organizing a human banner program across foot over bridges in Laxmi Nagar and Moti Nagar. Under the banner of the ‘Jail Ka Jawab Vote Se’ campaign, AAP fervently appealed to the public to reject BJP’s dictatorship. Senior leader and MLA, Shri Dilip Pandey, lent his support to the cause, emphasizing the power of the people’s votes to thwart attempts to imprison CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal. Amidst chants of defiance, AAP workers brandished a massive banner, urging voters to use their ballots to counter BJP’s authoritarian tactics. Besides, there was also mention of CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s announcement of giving ₹1,000 per month to the women of Delhi. Shri Dilip Pandey underscored the pivotal role of Delhiites in shaping the nation’s response to BJP’s dictatorial tendencies, confidently predicting BJP’s impending defeat and Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s decisive role in sealing their fate.

Senior AAP leader and MLA Shri Shri Dilip Pandey said that in order to keep CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal out of the election campaign by any means, the BJP people put him in jail under a false case and based on baseless testimonies. But the Judiciary of India kept ‘Satyamev Jayate’ intact. The result was, that even if it was for 21 days, Shri Arvind Kejriwal has been campaigning brilliantly. The BJP’s conspiracy to keep him out of the election campaign has failed. Now the people of Delhi and the country have to decide whether to respond to the BJP’s dictatorship, high-handedness, and jail politics with their votes or not. The people of the country have a choice. Now we have to stop Shri Arvind Kejriwal from going to jail again by showing the power of vote. Only the people of the country and Delhi can stop their favorite Chief Minister, their son, and their brother, Shri Arvind Kejriwal, from going back behind bars.

Shri Dilip Pandey said that from the trends of all the previous phases it is clear that the BJP is losing the elections badly. After coming out of jail, Shri Arvind Kejriwal is doing the work of putting the last nail in the coffin of the BJP’s defeat. With Shri Arvind Kejriwal getting interim bail from the country’s judiciary, even the last hope of the BJP’s victory is crushed. The BJP is not crossing 200 by any means. Shri Arvind Kejriwal has exposed the BJP within 24 hours of coming out of jail. He has asked a very legitimate question from the BJP, whether its rule of retiring from politics after the age of 75 years will apply to the BJP’s Prime Minister or not. Shri Narendra Modi has maintained silence on this.

“We have a saying here that ‘Maunam Swikriti Lakshanam’ (silence is the indication of acceptance). It seems that PM Narendra Modi has expressed his agreement to Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s question by his silence. Now the people of the country have to decide for whom is the BJP asking votes for now that PM Narendra Modi is turning 75,” the AAP MLA concluded.

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