Aam Aadmi Party fights elections to bring in Honest Politics in this country through your donations alone. Your donating to the AAP would better the future of our children and contribute in nation building on the basis of honest politics.
There are two kinds of donations you can make: One-time and Monthly. When we receive your one-time donation, we believe it was your full intention to support AAP’s efforts to fight corruption and bring about honest politics in the country. Because of this reason, we do not offer refunds on one-time donations.
However, if you made a monthly donation and changed your mind, you can cancel the monthly donation any time you want. Call us on +91-97174-60029 or email [email protected] with your cancellation request and we will cancel your monthly donations within three working days.
If you have any questions regarding our cancellation/refund policy, please call us on +91-97174-60029 or email [email protected].