Cabinet approves construction of over 12,000 new rooms in Delhi govt schools
- Cabinet approves convening of the Assembly session from 6-10 August
New Delhi: 17/07/2018
The Delhi cabinet in its meeting chaired by the Chief Minister, Shri Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday approved the Education Department’s proposal for the construction of 12478 new rooms (including 9981 classrooms) in Delhi government schools.
The cabinet decision announcement was made by Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister, Shri Manish Sisodia.
Giving the details, Shri Sisodia said of the total 12478 new rooms to be constructed in Delhi government schools the break-up is as follows :
9981 classrooms, 106 multi-purpose halls, 328 laboratories, 204 Library/Principal & Vice Principal Room/ Staffrooms and 1067 Toilet Block, including Stair-cases etc., in existing premises of Delhi government schools under the jurisdiction of Directorate of Education, at an estimated cost of Rs. 2892.65 Crore ((Rs. 1300 crore during 2018-19 and Rs. 1562.65 crore during 2019-20). PWD is the executing agency for this project.
Shri Sisodia said 8,000 additional rooms have already been constructed in Delhi government schools as part of the comprehensive agenda to impart quality education to the children of Delhi.
He said the adverse Student Classroom Ratio (SCR) has to be reversed and the construction of new classrooms is an important step in this direction.
Schools in more than 280 School Buildings are running in double shifts with high enrolment of students. The Government has also introduced new vocational streams in the school curriculum for which additional classrooms will be required.
Keeping in view the increasing trend of population growth of Delhi and above mentioned requirements, an exercise was carried out for all the schools of this Directorate.
The PWD was requested to survey all the school buildings for preparing the estimates for construction of classrooms along with all the basic requirements i.e. MP Halls, Toilet Blocks, Labs, Staffroom, Staircases, etc.
PWD was further asked to consider the following while preparing the estimate:
- a) Proper construction plan should be prepared in consultation with the Head of School for maximum utilization of space as per FAR giving due consideration to open/play ground area and complying with the technical feasibility as prescribed in building bylaws;
- b) The plan should include the removal of temporary structures, i.e. tin sheds, asbestos shed, porta cabin etc.
- c) Plan for construction of Multipurpose Hall may be taken into consideration wherever required.
- d) Estimate should also include provision for Dual Desks and all necessary furnishing for Staffrooms, Teacher Table and Chair in Classrooms;
- e) All Classrooms to have two inbuilt almirahs;
- f) Provision of half white and half black board in classrooms;
- g) Sewer lines to be connected properly through main lines and wherever sewer line is not available, provision of STP may be incorporated;
- h) All aspect of fire safety norms, e.g. width of staircases, double door in classrooms etc may be taken into consideration; and
- i) Provision of horticulture planning and development for open area may also be taken in estimates.