
On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Health Minister Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj arrived on Monday morning for a surprise inspection of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital to test the preparedness amid rising cases of COVID-19. During this visit, Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj also visited the Covid ward, OPD, and Pediatric Ward at LNJP Hospital. Along with meeting the patients undergoing treatment here, he inquired about their health and also asked questions regarding the hospital’s arrangements.

He further took stock of other aspects, including the availability of beds, medical staff, the capacity of investigation, medical equipment, and medical oxygen availability in the hospital. The Health Minister instructed the staff that the hospital administration should ensure that the people coming for treatment receive quality treatment. Along with this, patients should be given treatment on a priority basis, keeping in view the severity of the disease.

During the inspection regarding preparations for COVID-19, Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “LNJP is one of the largest hospitals in Delhi, where a large number of patients come for treatment. During the hospital inspection, we observed how many COVID-19 beds were available in the hospital, and how many were authorised. We also assessed the arrangements for the availability of oxygen in the hospital. The hospital administration informed us that the availability of oxygen during the previous wave of COVID-19 was 5 tonnes, but now it has increased 10 times to 50 tonnes. Only 4 tonnes of oxygen are currently being used. Presently, both oxygen and COVID-19 beds are available in sufficient numbers. No emergency or dangerous situation is currently known.”

The Health Minister said that the current variant of COVID-19 is not being considered very dangerous. At this time, those who have a cough, cold, or fever must wear masks to prevent the further spread of the infection. People with complaints of chronic illness, low immunity, and comorbid conditions should avoid going to crowded places and try to stay at home. They should also use masks and take precautions. All facilities of beds, oxygen in ICU, and ventilators are available in LNJP Hospital to prevent COVID-19. The hospital has set up a 450-bed isolation ward for COVID-19 patients, with a separate isolation ward for stable patients. Shri Saurabh Bharadwaj said, “Currently, most of the admitted patients are recovering, and the number of deaths from COVID-19 is negligible. Deaths are only happening in cases where the patient has increased diabetes or is on dialysis.”

Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj stated that the Health Department is monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis. The Kejriwal Government is closely monitoring every situation to tackle COVID-19. The hospital administration has been instructed to maintain full readiness for any situation. He clarified further, “However, the number of patients admitted to the hospital due to COVID-19 is very low, so there is no need to panic. It is necessary to be alert and responsible instead. People who visit hospitals must wear masks inside the hospital. The Kejriwal Government is fully prepared to deal with any emergency situation.”

The Health Minister stated that the exposure of the treatment racket at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi, where money was being taken from patients, revealed the reality of the health arrangements of the Central Government to the public. However, there have been no such complaints against Delhi government hospitals. Despite this, to ensure that such activities do not take place in Delhi’s government hospitals, a plan has been devised with hospital management under the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal. This plan involves writing down whatever surgery will be performed, along with the time the patient has come to the hospital. Patients will be given treatment based on the severity of their condition and disease.

During the inspection, the Health Minister talked to patients to find out whether any touts were collecting money from them in the hospital. Additionally, the truth behind the hospital management’s claims about the health system was investigated. The patients were advised that if any broker tries to deceive them or take financial advantage of them in the hospital, they should immediately inform the hospital administration so that appropriate action can be taken against them.

Patients from other states, including UP and Haryana, have also sought treatment at the hospital and expressed satisfaction with the health facilities provided by the Kejriwal government. Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “The Delhi government is dedicated to providing the best health facilities to all citizens and strengthening public health infrastructure. Our goal is not only to improve every government hospital in Delhi compared to private hospitals but also to make Delhi government hospitals among the best in the country. The people of Delhi deserve world-class facilities, and we are making it a reality under the guidance of Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal. We are striving to make healthcare more accessible in Delhi’s hospitals.” Shri Bharadwaj continued “We are committed to providing the best healthcare services in Delhi. The government is constantly working towards improving health infrastructure and providing better medical facilities to all citizens. The health of our people is our topmost priority.”

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