
The Aam Aadmi Party launched the ‘Punjab Yatra’ from 1st May onwards to consult the people of the state on the issues they want their party to raise in the upcoming Assembly session.

Senior leader of the party and Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly HS Phoolka said, “The motive of the yatra [was] to reach the people at grass root level and know their problems. This kind of yatra will be held before every session of the Vidhan Sabha.”

The party has identified issues such as unemployment, farm loan crisis and pensions to be raised in the Assembly session. The party will corner the Amarinder Singh government on the issue of corruption as well.

Punjab Cabinet Minister Rana Gurjit’s cook has been in the eye of a storm after AAP launched an agitation against the sand mining scam of the Congress government. The Minister’s cook was awarded a sand mining contract by the newly elected Amarinder Singh government.

AAP leaders took out a protest march outside the Punjab Assembly demanding Rana Gurjit’s resignation. The party also demanded the setting up of an inquiry chaired by a sitting judge. Several senior leaders of the party were detained when they were stopped by the police from submitting a memorandum to that effect to Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh.

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