
AAP statement on false BJP allegations against Arvind Kejriwal’s tweet :
Sunday, March 24, 2019 :
Recently, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal had tweeted a cartoon picture where a man with a broom is seen running behind the Nazi Symbol that represents Hitler and his party.
Right after this tweet, BJP and its supporters started targeting Arvind Kejriwal, and falsely alleged that Arvind Kejriwal has hurt the Hindu sentiments interpreting the Nazi Symbol as- Swastika.
Delhi BJP attacking Delhi CM tweeted, Anti-Hindu Kejriwal will get a befitting reply from people of Delhi.
To which Aam Aadmi Party Delhi replied, “Arvind Kejriwal took a potshot at Hitler’s Nazi symbol but why is BJP so offended ?
Got confused between Hitler and Modi ? Don’t worry even we don’t find much difference between the two.”
The tweet simply was an attack on Hitler and his way of operating but, BJP seems to have taken it personally and have started propagating this false narrative of Hindu sentiments being hurt.
BJP should first of all understand the difference between Hindu and Nazi Symbol. While claiming to be a Hindu Nationalist Party, It looks very foolish on them to claim Nazi Symbol as their Own. BJP should apologize Hindus for relating them to Germany’s Hitler and for simply trying a cheap shot at Delhi CM.
Aam Aadmi Party.

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