
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) statement on the historic Delhi High Court judgment sentencing Sajjan Kumar to life imprisonment in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case :
1984 anti-Sikh riots were the first major state sponsored genocide in the history of independent India, and are a symbol of permanent shame on India and its national capital. All organs of governance actively aided and abetted the pre-planned mass murders of innocent people on the streets of Delhi.
Political attackers with the complete patronage of official machinery unleashed barbaric mayhem on innocent Sikhs and laws enforcement agencies actively aided and abetted the massacre, leave alone even lip service towards doing their basic duty.
Given the fact that there was no chance of rioters being booked and brought to justice since the Congress was in power at that time and continued for the next five years atleast, therefore any impartial probe was impossible.
In this context, the Delhi High Court judgment sentencing Sajjan Kumar to life imprisonment is truly landmark in multiple ways. Even though 34 years have passed and even majority of family members and relatives of riots victims had lost all hope of justice, this is the first major conviction of big fish who presumed to be above law and received complete support of the powers that be in making a mockery of law.
At this juncture certain important facts need to be looked at :
·         By most conservative estimates at least 3,000 innocent people were massacred on streets of Delhi in November 1984, and the entire administration either shut its eyes and in some cases even actively colluded with the attackers.
·         Nobody expected the Congress, which was then in power to do justice to riots victims and their families, all inquiry committees and commissions were shams, those who did mock inquiries were rewarded with plum posts.
·         What however is extremely surprising is that why the BJP, which was in power at the Centre between 1998-2004 did not nothing for a concrete probe into the 1984 riots and what is further surprising that even Shiromani Akali Dal was a part of this government
·         As for the role of BJP in probing 1984 riots – what further proof of collusion is required that the retired judge appointed by then Congress government to whitewash the 1984 probe (Justice GT Nanavati) was also appointed by the BJP government in Gujarat to probe the 2002 riots.
·         It was the new-born tiny party’s Delhi government of 49 days in 2013, whose chief minister Mr Arvind Kejriwal for the first time recommended setting-up of an independent SIT to probe the 1984 anti-Sikh riots
·         Then Congress appointed Delhi LG Najeeb Jung did not allow the setting-up of the SIT and what is further shocking is that after Modi govt came to power in May 2014, it set-up a committee to ascertain whether any SIT was required for probing the 1984 riots
·         It was only after the historic win of Arvind Kejriwal-led AAPin February 2015, that the Modi government in a tearing hurry set-up the SIT a day before the Delhi government was to be sworn-in. The entire action of Modi govt was suspect.
On 30th June 2015, the Delhi Assembly had passed a resolution stating 1984 riots were a genocide. The text is reproduced below :
This House strongly condemns the genocide of Sikhs in the national capital in November 1984 and offers its deepest condolences to those innocent people who lost their lives for no fault of theirs.
This House expresses its deep anguish that despite more than three decades having passed, the family members and close relatives of riots [genocide] victims are still running from pillar to post in search of justice, which has unfortunately eluded them so far.
This House is of the strong opinion that urgent efforts must be made to ensure all those involved in this genocide must be given exemplary punishment.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) notified by the union Home Ministry earlier this year must be asked to submit its report within the stipulated deadline.
All cases which were closed by the Delhi Police, which is itself an accused organization of the 1984 riots, must be reopened and investigated by an impartial agency.
This House also resolves that all the compensation announced for the next of kin of the riots victims must be immediately disbursed, so that it reaches them.
AAP is of the firm view that unpardonably long time has already elapsed and today’s judgment provides a slim glimmer of hope to the victims families.
All pending cases must be decided without any further delay so that the victims families and near-dear ones do not lose trust in India’s justice delivery system. (ENDS)

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