
The Aam Aadmi Party government on October 28th organised an inspiring concert of songs of people’s struggles in the heart of the capital. The well-attended concert presented by reputed singer-composer duo Vinay and Charul brought together residents from across the city.

Manish Sisodia addresses the audience

The initiative is the brainchild of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia who has recently taken charge of the Department of Art, Culture, and Languages. He said,

Poetry and songs that speak of various facets of people’s lives become popular references in public memory. In the Hindi-Urdu tradition, from Faiz to Dushyant Kumar, from Gorakh Pandey to Adam Gondavi, a number of poets and writers have sensitively dealt with the struggles of common people. Such songs resonate with people. Our goal is to use art and culture not merely as a source of entertainment but also reflect, inspire and make the society compassionate.

Best known for songs like Mandir Masjid Girija Ghar mein baant diya bhagwan ko… the duo’s music struck a chord with the audience. They performed a number of songs about issues like communal violence, the rights of children, women, employment and right to information.

Watch a video of their performance here:

The concert was an inspirational experience for those present. For Mr. Qureshi, a teacher who attended the event, the message of the songs was special.

After listening to their songs, I called up and apologised to a subordinate in my team who I had dismissed recently. It made me reflect on my choices and compelled me to look at the other’s story with empathy. The concert was truly a moving experience. It is incredible that the government is taking such initiatives.

Charul and Vinay have regularly been performing in Delhi schools, however, this is their first performance in a public venue like Connaught Place. Their act might appear to be a no-fuss affair, using a simple but the impact of their performance lies in the message and meaning of the songs.

It’s fascinating what a two-person band can do – through their simple words and easy rendition they help us reconnect to issues that bother us in our daily lives but somehow gets lost in the buzz of routine. हक है तुम्हारा चैन से रहना अपने हक को छीन लो from the mandir-masjid song reminded me of my rights as much as the problems. It was an interesting experience to hear them live in a public park, felt like shared solidarity with strangers who felt as connected to the idea of love and dignity as myself. Hope we have more such events in public spaces so it helps recreate a sense of purpose and belonging to Delhi. – actor and Sahitya Kala Parishad member, Padmapriya

The concert is a first in a series of events being planned by Mr. Sisodia and his team. The AAP government in Delhi is committed to supporting and creating an environment for meaningful, inspiring and thought-provoking art that would in turn help shape the discourse in society.

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