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The Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi is making unprecedented strides in enhancing people’s access to quality healthcare. The government has launched several schemes to provide free medicines, tests and several life-saving surgeries through a three-tiered network of Mohalla Clinics, Polyclinics and Hospitals. This Citizen’s Guide aims to compile a list of all such facilities, tests and surgeries and will continue to evolve as new services are added.

Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics (AAMCs)

Mohalla Clinics are neighbourhood clinics set up by Delhi government in 158 locations across the city at an extremely low cost and are providing high-quality primary health care to previously unserved communities. Diagnosis, medicines and tests are all provided free of cost in Mohalla Clinics. Mohalla Clinics are set up either in porta cabins or in rented properties. You can find the closest Mohalla Clinic in these lists:

  1. Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics in Porta Cabins
  2. Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics in Rented Premises

Here is the complete list of 109 essential medicines available for free at any Mohalla Clinic.

List of free medicines available at Mohalla Clinics

Here is the list of 212 diagnostic tests available for free at any Mohalla Clinic

List of free diagnostic tests available at Mohalla Clinics

Aam Aadmi Polyclinics

To build a robust 3-tier universal healthcare system in Delhi, the AAP government has launched 23 Polyclinics that offer specialised diagnosis and treatment to patients for free thereby preventing the hassle to visit crowded hospitals. This, in turn, reduces the out-patient burden on government hospitals and allows them to focus on quality in-patient care.

Find the closest Polyclinic from this list:

List of Aam Aadmi Polyclinics

Delhi Government Hospitals

Delhi government runs 38 full-fledged hospitals across the city. Over the last two years, the AAP government has significantly improved the conditions in government hospitals resulting in overwhelmingly positive feedback from patients. The Delhi government has made all medicines, tests and surgeries at these hospitals completely free of cost.Further, if patients who are residents of Delhi are waitlisted for a life-threatening surgery at a Delhi government hospital for more than 30 days, the hospital refers the patient to an empanelled private hospital which treats the patient for free. For the first time, even expensive tests like CT scans and MRIs are being conducted for free.

List of Delhi government hospitals with addresses

Click here for information on the Delhi government scheme on free surgery and expensive diagnostic tests

The above link will provide the following:

  • List of 52 surgeries available for free
  • List of private hospitals empanelled for the scheme
  • List of Delhi government hospitals that can refer patients for surgeries
  • Criteria for eligibility
  • List of documents as valid residence proof
  • List of diagnostic tests available for free
  • List of empanelled testing centres
  • List of Delhi government hospitals that can refer patients for tests

In addition, the following three Delhi government hospitals are providing high-quality haemodialysis services at low prices to the entire populace of Delhi and free of charge to poor patients through PPP Dialysis project:

  • Lok Nayak Hospital
  • Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital
  • Dr Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan

Click here for more information on Delhi government’s PPP Dialysis project

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