
Amidst the scorching heat and an escalating water crisis in Delhi, tensions soared as senior AAP leader and Delhi Cabinet Minister Ms. Atishi exposed BJP’s conspiracy of exacerbating the situation. Former BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri could be seen leading an attack on the Delhi Jal Board office in Chhatarpur, drawing sharp criticism from the AAP. Minister Atishi highlighted that this incident follows a series of events, including the disruption of Delhi’s water supply by BJP-ruled Haryana and the vandalism of the main water pipeline from Sonia Vihar Water Treatment Plant to South Delhi. She questioned whether these actions were part of a larger conspiracy by the BJP against the people of Delhi. Video footage from the attack showed individuals wearing BJP Patka (sashes) chanting in support of BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri, prompting Ms. Atishi to demand that Delhi Police take immediate action against the perpetrators.

Delhi Water Minister Atishi said that there is a severe heatwave going on in Delhi, and the BJP is leaving no stone unturned to trouble the people of Delhi in this severe heatwave. The BJP has left no stone unturned in creating a water crisis in Delhi. The BJP is conducting a conspiracy against Delhiites, a conspiracy which has three parts.

The Delhi Minister continued, stating, “First, the BJP is stopping the water supply to Delhi through its Haryana government. You go to Wazirabad Barrage today, there is not a drop of water there. Today you go to Munak Canal, instead of 1050 cusecs, only 900 cusecs of water is coming. If the BJP people will not provide water to Delhi, if water will not reach the water treatment plant, then how will the people of Delhi get water supply? So, this is the first step of the conspiracy.”

She further stated that the second step of the conspiracy is that whatever water is being produced by the water treatment plants of Delhi, and the water that is going from these water treatment plants into the reservoir, is going into people’s homes, which are the main pipelines, how does it happen that every day the BJP leaders reach in front of broken pipelines to get their photographs taken, and to give bytes to the media. How come the water pipeline breaks right in front of them?

Atishi mentioned, “Yesterday, the main pipeline that supplies water to South Delhi from Sonia Vihar, was broken yesterday without any reason. Long bolts were cut and taken out from that pipeline. Did this happen on its own? Or was this another part of a conspiracy under which water pipelines are being damaged? Because when the water pipeline breaks and the Delhi Jal Board people go to repair it, the water supply will have to be stopped for 5-6 hours. This morning water did not reach many parts of South Delhi because the pipeline was broken deliberately. So, their second step was to break the water pipelines and disrupt the water supply of the people of Delhi. The third step of their conspiracy has come to light, in which the BJP goons vandalized the DJB office, threw stones, threw matkas (earthen pots) and indulged in outright high-handedness.”

Showing the video of the attack on the DJB office in Chhatarpur by the BJP leaders, workers and goons, she said that now, to spoil the law-and-order situation in Delhi, high-handedness and vandalism have started openly in Delhi. “See how these people are coming to Delhi Jal Board’s office and destroying things. After watching this video it will become clear who these hooligans are and which party they belong to. It will become clear which party’s leaders are present there and which party’s leaders’ slogans are being raised when Delhi Jal Board office is being demolished and their high-handedness is crossing all limits,” she added.

Atishi said, “Those who attacked the Delhi Jal Board office in Chhatarpur were none other than BJP’s former South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri, who went to the DJB office with goons. The people accompanying him are carrying BJP flags, as BJP flags are visible in the background. BJP goons can be seen breaking earthen pots in the DJB office, breaking glasses, breaking the office and also carrying out the slogan ‘Ramesh Bidhuri Zindabad’ repeatedly.”

Atishi asserted how the BJP is hatching their conspiracy against Delhiites in three phases. First, they stopped Delhi’s water supply through their Haryana government, then the main supply lines were deliberately damaged throughout Delhi, and thirdly, disrupted the law-and-order situation in Delhi. The vandalism of the DJB office clearly shows that the BJP is conspiring against Delhiites.

“We have complained about this hooliganism to Delhi Police. I have sent this video to the DCP of South Delhi of Delhi Police. Now we will wait to see whether Delhi Police will file an FIR against Ramesh Bidhuri or not. Will the Delhi Police, which comes under the BJP and Delhi LG, take action against this video? Will Delhi Police file an FIR against former BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri and BJP volunteers who can be clearly seen wearing BJP Patka and waving BJP’s flags? This will make it clear to the people of Delhi that the BJP and their LG are working only to harass the people of Delhi and conspire against them,” Atishi concluded.

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