
In a powerful display of defiance, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has launched a protest against the BJP-led Haryana government, exposing it for depriving Delhi of its rightful share of water. On Monday, AAP Delhi State Vice President and MLA Kuldeep Kumar, along with MLAs Shiv Charan Goel, Vinayy Mishra, Somdutt Sharma, and Women’s Wing President Sarika Chaudhary, spearheaded the protests at key locations including BJP headquarters, Haryana Bhawan, Mandi House, and Connaught Place. With fervent chants of ‘BJP people, don’t stop Delhi’s water’, AAP’s leaders and workers demanded an immediate release of Delhi’s rightful share of water from both the central and Haryana governments.

During this, AAP Delhi State Vice President and MLA Kuldeep Kumar said that at present there is a huge problem of water in Delhi. For this, we were demanding from the governments of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana and also asking the Lieutenant Governor (LG) to ensure water for Delhi. We also went to the Supreme Court, but despite the court’s order, the Haryana government is not releasing 137 cusecs of water coming from Himachal Pradesh. Apart from this, the Haryana government has stopped 200 cusecs of water coming to Delhi from other canals. These people want to kill Delhiites by keeping them thirsty and want to take revenge on Delhi.

“Today we are protesting outside Haryana Bhawan against the dirty politics of the BJP government of Haryana, so that the supply of water for the people of Delhi can be ensured and Delhi can get water from Himachal Pradesh as per the Supreme Court’s order,” The AAP Delhi State Vice President stated.

During this, AAP MLA from Moti Nagar Shiv Charan Goel said that we are sitting on the road at a 45-degree temperature and requesting the BJP government of Haryana and the Central Government not to stop Delhi’s share of water and not to do such a dictatorship. BJP MPs also live in Delhi and the entire ministry is also located here. All of them need water. Therefore, 20% of Delhi’s share of water should not be stopped. Till Delhi does not get its full share of water, we will remain on the roads. Whatever we have to do for this, we will do it and we will get our share of water. Delhi is the capital of the country. People come here from all over the country. If we cannot give water to Delhi itself, then what will we do in the country? The AAP will keep fighting for the welfare of Delhi.

At the same time, AAP MLA from Dwarka Vinayy Mishra said that the people of Haryana are known for their hospitality all over the country. The people of Haryana give water to everyone, but the BJP government of Haryana has stopped Delhi’s water out of malice. People from all over the country including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bengal, and Odisha come and live in Delhi. Delhi is representing the whole country and the Haryana government is not giving it water. Whereas the Supreme Court has ordered to give 137 cusecs of water to Delhi. Haryana is disobeying the order of the Supreme Court by stopping Delhi’s water. “Let us tell you that in 2018, Delhi was given the right to 1050 cusecs of water and the Haryana government has reduced that too. We demand from the Haryana government to release the water that is Delhi’s right. Everyone needs water in this scorching heat. Our fight will continue from the road to the court,” he affirmed.

AAP MLA from Sadar Bazaar Somdutt Sharma, during the protest at Connaught Place, said that the BJP government of Haryana, as part of its vendetta politics, is withholding the water rights of the people of Delhi. There is chaos all around in Delhi regarding water. Despite the orders of the Supreme Court, the Haryana government is not providing water to the citizens of Delhi. The people of Delhi are worried about water and protests are taking place from lanes to roads. We demand that the BJP and Modi government should give the legitimate rights of the people of Delhi and the orders of the Supreme Court should be followed.

Meanwhile, AAP Delhi Women’s Wing President Sarika Chaudhary said that the people of Delhi are very troubled. Forget about daily chores. Right now, there is no drinking water in Delhi. Three days before the elections, the Haryana government stopped Delhi’s water supply so that Delhiites wouldn’t vote for Shri Arvind Kejriwal and his image got tarnished. Now the Supreme Court has also given its order, but the Haryana government is not giving water to the people of Delhi at all. Right now, there is chaos in the whole of Delhi. There is no drinking water in people’s homes. Why does the Haryana government hate the people of Delhi? How can it leave the people of Delhi in such a condition? We also request the Haryana government and PM Modi to stop playing politics. Delhiites are yearning for water right now, have mercy on them and give them water.

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