
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the BJP’s Haryana government of deliberately reducing water supply to Delhi in recent days as a tactic of petty politics. Senior AAP leader and MLA Shri Dilip Pandey stated that the BJP aims to incite hatred towards CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal among Delhiites by creating a water crisis amid the scorching heat. The AAP MLA asserted that the BJP is using this strategy to turn public anger against AAP, hoping to sway votes. He condemned the BJP’s actions, noting that they have also been using agencies like the ED and CBI to suppress opposition voices before the elections. Shri Dilip Pandey emphasized that these tactics are shameful and that the people of Delhi, who deeply support their Chief Minister, are aware of the BJP’s manipulations.

While addressing a press conference at the party headquarters on Wednesday, senior AAP leader and MLA Shri Dilip Pandey said that in view of the Lok Sabha elections, how low can the BJP stoop politically, it is setting new records every day in this competition. The entire country saw that even before the announcement of Lok Sabha elections, the BJP decided to contest the elections on the strength of its star campaigners – ED and CBI. The result was that as part of a conspiracy, one by one the opposition voices were put behind bars by making baseless political allegations.

The AAP MLA continued, stating, “In this sequence, the country’s only tribal community leader and Jharkhand Chief Minister Shri Hemant Soren was arrested. The bank account of the main opposition party Congress was frozen. Four big leaders of the AAP were arrested. Only because the BJP wanted to secure the first position in the electoral race by fighting alone in the Lok Sabha elections. But the judiciary of the country came forward and protected the country’s Constitution and democratic values and the BJP failed in its plans.”

The Senior AAP Leader mentioned that the BJP had put all the possible efforts to stop Shri Arvind Kejriwal from campaigning in the elections by any means. But the BJP failed miserably in its plans. Shri Arvind Kejriwal came out of jail for 21 days and now he is continuously exposing the conspiracies of the BJP. Frustrated by this, the BJP is making its fear of defeat even more evident. The BJP is still not stopping, they keep coming up with new conspiracies every day.

“We saw the BJP’s conspiracy failing even after the arrest of Shri Arvind Kejriwal. Right after he came out of the jail and started campaigning, the star campaigner of the BJP, ED, has again started making baseless allegations of foreign funds against the AAP. These are the fascinating stories which were completely rejected by the High Court years ago. The BJP is making continuous efforts against the AAP, one after the other. When the efforts from outside were not successful, they caught hold of the faces inside. They tried to defame Shri Arvind Kejriwal through Ms. Swati Maliwal but even there the truth was exposed in front of the country, people of Delhi and the world saw the conspiracies of the BJP,” he added.

Shri Dilip Pandey said that now that the BJP has come closer to its defeat, and as the polls for Lok Sabha elections in Delhi are drawing closer, now it wants to create hatred for Shri Arvind Kejriwal in the hearts of the people of Delhi by adopting all new tactics. The BJP has hatched another nefarious conspiracy by stopping the water supply from the Yamuna through their Haryana government. People of Delhi need water the most during summer. The BJP’s Haryana government has now started stopping that water.

“When the BJP made baseless allegations against Shri Arvind Kejriwal and the people of Delhi did not hate him, then the BJP put Kejriwal in jail, even then people did not hate Shri Kejriwal. Then they accused the country’s only and the most transparent party of fraudulent donations. This allegation has already been rejected by the High Court. When this also did not work, the BJP caught hold of an insider face of the AAP and made allegations against her. Even after this, when there is no hatred against Arvind Kejriwal among the people of Delhi, now the BJP is blocking the water of Delhiites. BJP’s intention behind this is that when Delhiites will yearn for water, they will abuse Shri Arvind Kejriwal and will not vote in his favor in the elections,” he affirmed.

Shri Dilip Pandey further stated that the water level of the Yamuna inside Delhi has been reduced in a very systematic manner since May 11. The level of the Yamuna River at a normal time in Wazirabad is 674 feet, even when it declines, its lowest point is 672 feet. But continuously from May 11 to May 21, Haryana has been systematically stopping Yamuna’s water from coming to Delhi. The water level was at 671.6 feet on 11th May and it remained at this level for 3 days till 13th May; on 14th and 15th May it was 671.9 feet; on 16th May it dropped down to 671.3 feet; from 17th to 20th May it was 671.1 feet; and on 21st May it further declined to 670.9 feet.

The AAP MLA shared that no matter how much water decreases in Delhi, no matter how much the water level of the Yamuna goes down, it has never gone below 672 feet. Since April 11, the water level has been brought down by continuously stopping the flow of water through the BJP government. So that water production in Delhi reduces and supply gets affected. If water supply decreases, there will be chaos among the people. People will abuse the Delhi government and their MLA. After which everyone will start voting for BJP. This is a conspiracy of the BJP.

“The people of Delhi are seeing how much lower the BJP can stoop. How petty politics the BJP can do. May 25 is not far away now. BJP is that far away from its defeat in the elections. When defeat is so close, conspiracies do not work. The BJP has been playing the dirty politics of creating hatred among the people, who welcomed Shri Arvind Kejriwal, by reducing the water supply for the last 2-4 days. Delhiites are watching. Like your previous conspiracy, this conspiracy will also fail. The INDIA alliance will win all seven seats in Delhi. The people of the country will oust BJP from power at the Centre. People will get freedom from this dictatorship and hooliganism. The people of Delhi and the country will answer the jail to BJP by voting,” Shri Dilip Pandey concluded.

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