
Revealing BJP’s conspiracy against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Shri Arvind Kejriwal, senior AAP leader and Delhi Cabinet Minister Ms. Atishi has affirmed that the BJP is orchestrating a conspiracy against the AAP and Shri Arvind Kejriwal. At a press conference, Atishi revealed that the Delhi Police, under BJP’s influence, arrested Bibhav Kumar, the personal assistant to Delhi’s Chief Minister, even before the completion of his anticipatory bail hearing. This move, is a blatant display of political vendetta, has prompted AAP leaders to take a bold step. Tomorrow, in a show of defiance, all AAP leaders, ministers, and MLAs, under the leadership of Shri Arvind Kejriwal, will march to the BJP headquarters to surrender, protesting against a systematic crackdown on their party by Prime Minister Modi’s administration.

Senior AAP leader and Cabinet Minister in Delhi Government Ms. Atishi said that Delhi Police took Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s PA Bibhav Kumar for questioning in the fake case filed by Swati Maliwal. “Since morning, BJP and Delhi Police started circulating news on different channels that Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s PA has been arrested, he was presented in court, taken for medical checkup. All this makes the conspiracy of BJP crystal clear that BJP’s intention is to harass the AAP, obstruct Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s campaign, and arrest his PA Bibhav Kumar.

She continued, “That is why when BJP’s intention became clear, Bibhav Kumar and his lawyers filed a petition for anticipatory bail in Tis Hazari Court. Considering it an important issue, the court scheduled its hearing today itself. The hearing began at 3:55 pm and as soon as Bibhav Kumar’s lawyers started presenting their arguments; it became clear to BJP and their Delhi Police that their case is very weak, the allegations being made against Bibhav Kumar are fake and the court order will not be in their favor, so 20 minutes after the hearing began, Delhi Police arrested Bibhav Kumar in Civil Lines police station.”

Ms. Atishi affirmed that this shows that BJP and their Delhi Police know that this case is fake. The videos that have come out in the last 2 days make it clear that there was no attack on Swati Maliwal. BJP knew this, so they did not even let the hearing of the anticipatory bail be completed and that is why at 4:45 PM, the lawyer of Delhi Police told the court through video conferencing that now this application is not needed because the anticipatory bail has become invalid because Bibhav Kumar has been arrested.

“Today BJP and its Delhi Police have told the whole country that they know that their case is weak and if this case is argued in the court, then Bibhav Kumar will get bail and he will also be released,” She added.

“Today, Shri Arvind Kejriwal has announced and told the Prime Minister that instead of filing false cases one after the other, arrest all the leaders of AAP at once. Therefore, tomorrow, under the leadership of Shri Arvind Kejriwal, all the AAP leaders, ministers, MLAs will go to the BJP headquarters to surrender,” Ms. Atishi concluded.

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