
In a bid to tackle the issue of illegal parking plaguing the city, the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) government has taken decisive steps. MCD Mayor Dr. Shelly Oberoi has penned a stern letter to the commissioner, highlighting the detrimental impacts of illegal parking on public convenience, traffic flow, MCD’s reputation, and financial stability. Urging swift and resolute action, the Mayor has asked the commissioner to direct the concerned officials to identify, document, and address illegal parking hotspots, with a strict deadline of five days to submit a comprehensive report.

In the light of news regarding illegal parking in the name of MCD, Mayor Dr. Shelly Oberoi writes a letter to the commissioner, stating, “It has come to my notice that so many illegal parkings are being run in various parts of Delhi. These illegal parkings are creating nuisance and inconvenience to the public due to traffic jams and also tarnishing the image of the Corporation. Apart from this, it has also resulted in huge revenue loss to the Corporation. This is a matter of great concern.”

The MCD Mayor’s letter reads further, “In view of the above, it is desired that necessary direction may be given to the concerned officer to identify various illegal parkings running in Delhi, to prepare a list of all the illegal parkings, to take stern action and submit the report to the office of undersigned (Mayor) within 5 days.”

It’s to be noted that incidents of illegal parking have been reported by a few newspapers in the last couple of days. These incidents have been reported in the bazaars of Subhash Nagar, Karol Bagh, Gaffar Market, Ajmal Khan Road. Taking note of these reports, AAP’s MCD government has called for action from the commissioner against the culprits.

The AAP led MCD government has been proactive in dealing such inconveniences to the public at once. Once again in a resolute display towards commitment to ensure conveniences of delhiites, the MCD government has called for stern action, taking cognizance of the media reports.

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