

The Aam Aadmi Party’s campaign song ‘Jail Ka Jawab Vote Se’ has finally been approved by the Election Commission of India without any change despite the BJP’s machinations to get it banned and the AAP has started using the song for its campaign since May 2, said AAP senior leader Shri Dilip Pandey.

He said the Election Commission had banned the campaign song of AAP on April 27 and accepted that the BJP central government is a dictatorship.

Sharing this information with media persons on Monday, Shri Dilip Pandey said that we did not succumb to the BJP’s pressure and the result was that the Election Commission had to give permission to our campaign song. We did not accept any objection of the Commission but raised questions on its objections itself.

The senior AAP leader said that the BJP government is misusing all the constitutional institutions and murdering the democratic values of the country and ruining the Constitution. The BJP is ready to stoop to any level to fulfill its corrupt political ambitions, but the BJP has no control over the truth. We have also read the same in Mundakopanishad that ultimately truth prevails, and this has been going on for ages.

Shri Dilip Pandey said that the conscienceless BJP in its arrogance has even forgotten the motto of Satyamev Jayate. The result was that on April 27, the Election Commissioner wrote a letter banning the campaign song of the Aam Aadmi Party and expressed several objections to it. The objections of the Election Commission were baseless. These objections have also raised questions on the impartiality of the Election Commission. The Commission, albeit unknowingly, brought to the fore a truth and started associating the lyrics of this song with the BJP.

He said that the Election Commission had objected to the campaign song of the Aam Aadmi Party, saying that the ‘Jail ka jawab vote se’ (answer to the jail through voting) is not right. Whereas we are saying in the song that we will respond to the politics of sending leaders of opposition parties to jail with the power of our votes. What could be more democratic than this? We laugh when the Election Commission calls it an attack on the judiciary. There is no greater power than vote in democracy. We want to answer the BJP’s dictatorship with the power of votes, then the Election Commission is bringing the judiciary in between.

The senior AAP leader said that the Election Commissioner has said that it is not right to say that we will hurt the dictatorial party in the song, because it will encourage violence. The Commission’s Hindi is so weak that it can relate the injury only to violence. Heart, mind, ego, misgovernance and hooliganism also get hurt. There are many references to injury, but that is all the Commission could understand. Also, the Commission linked it to the ruling party. This means that the Election Commission also knows who the dictator is and whose dictatorship is going to be hurt. What have we said in this? We say that we will attack the party which is showing dictatorship with the power of votes. This is the process of democracy, he added.

Shri Dilip Pandey said that the Constitution of this country has taught us that if you want to oust any party from power, then you should use your vote against it. The problem is that the BJP does not accept the system of voting in 5 years. People from all over the country will vote, but with the blessings of the BJP, this time the people of Surat will not get to use the right to vote given by Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Because the BJP does not believe in democracy. The Election Commission also has reservations about voting against dictatorship and high-handedness. Before writing the letter, the Election Commission should have thought that either they will be exposed, or they will have to give a decision that all the countrymen should vote in favour of lawlessness. The Election Commission says in its campaign that choose the true and the good but choose you must. But when we talk about voting against high-handedness, the Commission objects to it.

The senior AAP leader said that the use of phrases like this in campaign songs is quite old. Our politicians have used even more acerbic slogans in the past, which will make the Election Commission feel embarrassed. The Commission says that the song talks of putting a common man in jail, which is also not right. Whereas we only said that those who opposed them were put in jail. Now, we will stop such people from coming to power through votes. India is the largest democracy in the world and if we are saying that we will use the power of our vote against all these things and the Election Commission or the BJP object to it, then it should not take long for people to understand who is with whom and who is against whom?

Shri Dilip Pandey said that the AAP refuted the Election Commission’s letter on April 30 and replied to every point. We expressed our objection to every comment of the Election Commission. We did not accept any objection and suggestion of the Election Commission. We have not changed any words of our election campaign song. We did not succumb to the dictatorship of the Election Commission. We did not succumb to the nefarious designs of the BJP. The result of this was that democracy and truth won. The BJP was defeated, its arrogance ended, and we got a chance to legally take the campaign song among the public which expressed the sentiments of the people of Delhi and the country.

The senior AAP leader said that all this is an indication of the BJP’s fear of defeat in the Lok Sabha elections. Based on the trends of the previous phases of the election, the BJP has understood that they are losing the ground. That is why they are stooping to such a low level to use the constitutional institutions that no one has gone in the political history of the country.

Appealing to the people of Delhi and the country, Shri Dilip Pandey said that wrong vaccine endangers life, wrong voting brings constitution in danger; beware of Modi’s gimmicks, otherwise this time, India will be in danger.

In response to a reporter’s question, Shri Dilip Pandey said that after receiving the Election Commission’s approval letter on the campaign song on May 2, the AAP has started using it officially.

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