
In a heartfelt gesture, the Kejriwal Government has extended its support to the family of the late Mr Anil Kumar Garg, a dedicated COVID-19 warrior who tragically lost his life while serving at Delhi Transport Corporation. Delhi’s Social Welfare Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand along with local MLA Shri Jai Bhagwan Upkar, Former MLA & Assembly Representative Mrs Veena Anand, and senior officers of the Revenue Department, visited the residence of the late Mr Garg in Rohini. Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand presented an ex-gratia of ₹1 crore to the grieving family as a token of the government’s appreciation and acknowledgement for the late Mr Garg’s selfless service.

Expressing deep admiration for Mr Garg, Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand acknowledged his 36 years of dedicated service as a Manager in the Delhi Transport Corporation. Mr Garg, who succumbed to COVID-19 on 29th May 2021, is survived by his wife, Smt. Babita Garg, and three children (two daughters and one son).

The Delhi Social Welfare Minister assured the family of continued support, stating, “While this ex-gratia amount cannot fully compensate for the loss suffered by the family, it is hoped that this financial aid will provide some assistance in improving their future.”

He emphasized the Kejriwal government’s unwavering commitment to standing by each COVID warrior and supporting their families during challenging times. The Kejriwal government pledges to provide all possible assistance to the family, recognizing the sacrifices made by individuals like Mr Anil Kumar Garg in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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