
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced that it will be holding a huge protest this Friday, against the ‘Fourth-Pass King’s wastage of taxpayer money’. Taking a swipe at ‘The Fourth-Pass King’, AAP Senior Leader and Rajya Sabha MP Shri Raghav Chadha said that the nation has been pushed into a state of doom, with people lining up for ‘Udhaar’ cards instead of ‘Aadhar’ cards. According to the MP, the public’s hard-earned tax money is being spent on the luxuries of the Fourth-Pass King. The new palace of the Fourth-Pass King is being built at a cost of 1300 crores, while the beautification of his old house was done at 90 crores. Additionally, 8400 crores were spent to buy a plane for the King.

He also stated that the Fourth-Pass King is afraid of an educated Chief Minister of a small state, because the people of his state are very happy under his rule. The educated Chief Minister has built mohalla clinics, world-class schools for his people, and provided them with a respectable life by providing free electricity and water. Unfortunately, since the arrival of the Fourth-Pass King, all the necessary commodities like LPG, petrol, diesel, CNG, and milk have become costlier, and the public is suffering.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Shri Raghav Chadha said that a new chapter has been added to the story of “The Fourth Pass King”, and added that this chapter talks about the luxurious lifestyle of this king. He further said that the Aam Aadmi Party will on Friday organise a massive protest to raise its voice against the luxurious lifestyle of this king that has been led on the hard-earned monies of the taxpayers of the country.

He provided details of some of the luxuries enjoyed by this king and the amount of taxpayers’ money that has been spent to provide these facilities to the king. He highlighted how the king is building a new official residence for himself – which Shri Raghav Chadha referred to as a ‘mahal’ – and said that it probably costs more than the amount of money that Shah Jahan would have spent in building the Taj Mahal. He further added that it is roughly estimated that over Rs 1300 crore of the taxpayer’s money will be spent to build this ‘mahal’ for this king.

He added that when this king recently travelled to Karnataka for the inauguration of an IIT, it cost the government exchequer Rs 10 crore for the event that lasted just one hour. He said that when this king travels the world at the expense of the taxpayers, he does so in a private aircraft that costs the citizens of the country Rs 8400 crore. He added that when this king travelled the world at the cost of taxpayers in the last couple of months, it cost his government Rs 1500 crore. He also pointed out that when a generic repair work was to be done in the official residence of this king, and this was only done with the purpose of beautification of the space, it cost the government exchequer Rs 90 crore. He further added that when this king recently went to Karnataka for a yoga event then the state government spent Rs 56 crore for the decorations of the event and the hospitality of this king.

Shri Raghav Chadha went on to narrate that in this story this king is afraid of the chief of a small province of the kingdom. He said that this was because this Chief Minister was a very educated person and the most educated amongst all the other CMs. “The reason this ‘Fourth Pass King’ is very afraid of this one Chief Minister is because this CM is very educated and under him his state is flourishing very well. The residents of the state are very happy with the facilities that they are getting and this is why the king is bothered. This CM has been able to work effectively and create Mohalla Clinics where the poorest of residents get treatment and medicines for free,” he said.

He also highlighted how under this CM the state has built excellent government schools where even the children of the poorest families receive world-class education. He added that the CM has given basic facilities for free such as electricity and water, so that the poor residents of the state can live a life of dignity. “This is perhaps the reason that the king is afraid of this educated Chief Minister. This is also the reason why the king is doing everything in his control to derail the works of the CM of this one state. I also want to reveal that this king through the medium of his friend has looted lakhs of crores of rupees that belonged to the citizens of his kingdom. This king went on to give all the contracts that belonged to the kingdom to his close friend. This involved contracts regarding electricity, coal, airport, sea port and it is as a result of this that everything for the citizens of the kingdom is getting more expensive. The people are tired of the atrocities of this king,” he said.

He went on to add that when this king had not been crowned, petrol in this kingdom used to be Rs 55 per litre, but now it is Rs 100. He added that the prices of diesel have increased from Rs 45 per litre to Rs 90 per litre. He further added that milk earlier cost Rs 36 per litre, but it is now Rs 60 per litre. He said that earlier CNG cost Rs 40 per kg but now it is Rs 80 per kg. He said that earlier a gas cylinder cost Rs 400 but since the “4th pass” king took charge, it became Rs 1100. “It is because of this king and his authoritarian style of functioning that the citizens of the country are facing the brunt. The people are tired of the king’s rule. It is because of this king that the residents now do not need the Aadhar card, but they need the ‘udhaar’ (borrowing) card,” he said.

Shri Raghav Chadha said that the king earned more money because of high inflation that is making the citizens suffer, but he channelled all of this money into building his own personal wealth. “He spent Rs 1300 crore for his official residence, and Rs 8400 crore for his private aircraft, Rs 1500 crore for his trips abroad and so on. He spent Rs 10 crore for an event that was to last just one hour and then another Rs 90 crore to beautify some patch in his official residence. Basically, the king spent the hard-earned monies of his citizens on his own private luxury and therefore the citizens are angry with the king,” he said.

He concluded by repeating that a massive protest will be organised by the Aam Aadmi Party on Friday to highlight this luxurious lifestyle of the king, and said that he was hopeful that the citizens of Delhi will join this movement and will want the king to give an account of his luxurious expenses.

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