
Government schools often made the headlines but for the wrong reasons. Whether it was the poor condition of the classrooms or children falling sick because of mid-day meals. 

Time and again, governments came and went but the children in these government schools suffered in this broken schooling and education system.

It was only in 2015, that the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi changed the narrative around schools. This was also the first time, education was discussed on political forums and yes, all for the right reasons. 
The transformation of the schools is phenomenal.

Check out the images below!

  • From a poorly maintained typical ‘Sarkari’ building, the government schools building revamped into a grand structure resembling any private school building.
  • The narrow dingy corridors with broken stairs were revamped
  • From broken ceilings and fans became a thing of the past. Delhi government school classrooms are now equipped with SMART classes and swanky benches for kids.
  • Research and science is given a launchpad as the schools revamped the science laboratories.
  • Libraries became a haven for children. Yes, the pen is indeed mightier than the sword!

While many may ask, how does revamping the school infrastructure change the lives of these children? 

A school is not just a building, it is a place where a child spends 8 hours every day. A conducive learning environment with infrastructure that promotes both sports and extracurricular ultimately helps the child unleash their true potential.

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